its arrived, Innovate Motorsport LM-2

ok hold on, bought ot for tuning customer cars and not for my car

after waiting for bout 2 weeks...duh...LM-2 - single channel is finally in front of my eyes..its a new product from Innovate..and with this brand..supposedly people perception on Drax Tuning House ( would be lil diff aite?..maybe..maybe not...we can't simply convince a customer by using sum cap ayam brand tools aite?...example..using a narrowband to tune (in dis case a turbocharged) the car n goreng the customer that this is 1 hell of a masterpiece shit..come on la..nowdays customer can get the correct info at their fingertips (if rajin

so if anyone looking for sum tuning, do contact me..
it doesnt mean having a great workshop..but without proper tools...its jz nothing to be proud off..