stop by at "kedai papan" (hey, lots poeple called it even tho they edi shifted to new building)..1 of the staff said " stock masuk lagi la kawan.."..i wuz like..WTF??..gurau lak..taya da botak off i went in search kt kedai lain lak...same story..oh man, i noe there r banyak lagi others brand...but still..nk jugak neova :P..
based from de outside forum, ad08 will be coming out soon, of course, de rival for potenza re-11, so maybe dis causing neova is less 2 be found in klang??..i dunno..hmm..

at last, found 1 shop selling it a lil bit cheaper (last year wuz waayyy cheaper..arghh.!!) it installed..and the feel is