ok,the freaking "rare" rear disc being installed on last friday..

supposely the installation should be straight forward rite?..wrong..!!!..demmit..
wheel bearing wuz in bad condition, the handbrake cable faktap, caliper is jammed, worn out badly, brake pad pin is no where to be found, no brake hose, disc cover missing...this is wut u'll get when buying a used item..go just pejam my mata, asked Che Mat (tokey bengkel la) to get it fully serviced..overall, the price of the installation IS WAY EXPENSIVE dr beli disc ni..haih..and i bought ProRS steel braided hose since pikir2 dah nak membazir, better bazir 1 shot :P, so unlucky of me...forked out more money for a silly thing..

the great news, everything went fine, the feel is totally different bile pakai drum type brake..way way way different, a recommended upgrade for those out there kan..heehhehe...