its arrived, Innovate Motorsport LM-2

ok hold on, bought ot for tuning customer cars and not for my car

after waiting for bout 2 weeks...duh...LM-2 - single channel is finally in front of my eyes..its a new product from Innovate..and with this brand..supposedly people perception on Drax Tuning House ( would be lil diff aite?..maybe..maybe not...we can't simply convince a customer by using sum cap ayam brand tools aite?...example..using a narrowband to tune (in dis case a turbocharged) the car n goreng the customer that this is 1 hell of a masterpiece shit..come on la..nowdays customer can get the correct info at their fingertips (if rajin

so if anyone looking for sum tuning, do contact me..
it doesnt mean having a great workshop..but without proper tools...its jz nothing to be proud off..


a quick checked up being done recently, result, steering rack is in bad condition (leaking), both left n right drive shaft is bout to give way...(hope it wont pop out!! lol), the rear arm/trailing arm which i've change to a recond set oso having a prob..left side is way soft..causing a bad handling tho..even worst with passenger..!! i'm still unable to source out any OEM rear buying a recond set..such a waste..

next, i've sent my front GSR disc to de workshop, in order for them to swap the knckle and retaining back my old saga's knuckle...even if u get a perfect alignment( claimed to be..duh??!!) by using vr4/evo knuckle for ur saga..the feel is weird..haahahha..dun ask more, jz retain the saga knuckle for ur own good...

lastly, still thiking bout snow performance stage 2 water/methanol injection NA code 20020, market price in malaysia is RM2k++..gile wei..crappy..dun wori, i've my ebay to solve it after Raya :P...tata...

neova..out of stock?

oh yeah..went to klang in hunt for ad07 neova 185/60/14 last week,

stop by at "kedai papan" (hey, lots poeple called it even tho they edi shifted to new building)..1 of the staff said " stock masuk lagi la kawan.."..i wuz like..WTF??..gurau lak..taya da botak off i went in search kt kedai lain lak...same story..oh man, i noe there r banyak lagi others brand...but still..nk jugak neova :P..

based from de outside forum, ad08 will be coming out soon, of course, de rival for potenza re-11, so maybe dis causing neova is less 2 be found in klang??..i dunno..hmm..

at last, found 1 shop selling it a lil bit cheaper (last year wuz waayyy cheaper..arghh.!!) it installed..and the feel is

a world of gauge..

later few days after,

finally...ada masa sket..hooked up few wires to it right..but the problem wuz, the oil pressure sensor does not fit into my block, will get an adaptor asap, so bwh ni few pics during siang n at nite..i wished i could jz buy the full sweep type..takpe la..pakai je yg ni..hehe..

filling the rear with...

ok,the freaking "rare" rear disc being installed on last friday..

supposely the installation should be straight forward rite?..wrong..!!!..demmit..

wheel bearing wuz in bad condition, the handbrake cable faktap, caliper is jammed, worn out badly, brake pad pin is no where to be found, no brake hose, disc cover missing...this is wut u'll get when buying a used item..go just pejam my mata, asked Che Mat (tokey bengkel la) to get it fully serviced..overall, the price of the installation IS WAY EXPENSIVE dr beli disc ni..haih..and i bought ProRS steel braided hose since pikir2 dah nak membazir, better bazir 1 shot :P, so unlucky of me...forked out more money for a silly thing..


the great news, everything went fine, the feel is totally different bile pakai drum type brake..way way way different, a recommended upgrade for those out there kan..heehhehe...