alwiz happy even tho using a small displacement motor..hmm.. not to mention dat i came across which i can call as "samseng" during my "fun" driving..he using the same me..a Saga..duh!..but souped up a bit la..fiore bodypart..nice color..bling rim..moon shooting exhaust..rear ass being jack up aka "tonggek", compare dat to my rusty bucket! u guys noe wut happen la.. the thing is..i've oso being bullied by big boys..but in the end..they'll give me a thumbs up..horn a lil a bit..a motorsports spirit i must say...and i oso gv them a thumbs up too..they r faster..i mean A LOT faster...but instead..dis fella..r not dat kind of spirit...instead..samseng spirit..hehehe..nvm bout obey the rules.. :P
lets move on to the next topic,

Genie Extractor

i managed to get this rare used Genie extractor for 4g13/4g15, the design kinda like Cusco extractor meant for 4g92 Mivec. it's a 4 -2 -1 design and has a separate downpipe too. not like a 1 piece design of Hot Bits. i've sent it for sandblasting..and with a help of my friend..he is doing the coating thingy..hehe..i'm not sure if it will improve the current performance, i'll get it onto the roller jz to see if there is any gain.
info on de product (url) :
lets move on to the next topic,

Genie Extractor

i managed to get this rare used Genie extractor for 4g13/4g15, the design kinda like Cusco extractor meant for 4g92 Mivec. it's a 4 -2 -1 design and has a separate downpipe too. not like a 1 piece design of Hot Bits. i've sent it for sandblasting..and with a help of my friend..he is doing the coating thingy..hehe..i'm not sure if it will improve the current performance, i'll get it onto the roller jz to see if there is any gain.
info on de product (url) :

Mitsubishi Vertical Vortex
after doing sum reading, it seems there is a MVV (mitsubishi vertical vortex) type of 4G15 engine..which having a totally different head,piston,intake manifold design. fitted in 1992 Mitsubishi Libero, the real purpose is de lean burning type of engine....i've seen this engine in most chop shop, but then, at dat time, i didn't care at all..until i finish reading all the article bout it, i noe i'm missing sumthing great here! the hunt begins...where i discover the different between a normal 4g15 and a mvv 4g15..huge different..demmit! intake port is way bigger and separated into 2. fuel injector now sit at a different angle and it has a shorter and bigger runner intake manifold..
now i hv new things to play with..hehehehehehehe..i managed to bought the intake separately, same goes with the fuel way different..only left now is the head which i'm still waiting for the right moment to buy it...i hv de MvV info and u guys may want 2 read it.. :D

now i hv new things to play with..hehehehehehehe..i managed to bought the intake separately, same goes with the fuel way different..only left now is the head which i'm still waiting for the right moment to buy it...i hv de MvV info and u guys may want 2 read it.. :D