After doing sum tweaking to de engine, together with real time tuning (where people r still confused..wut r those?) monitored by a Innovate Motorsports LM-2 wideband making tuning more accurate n appropriate. Although no dyno tuning being performed, getting the right air/fuel, making sure there is no knocking, it will still performed but, putting it on a dyno roller could yield sum maybe 2-3 ekor kuda liar..haha.. making high whp on roller doesn’t mean u’ll be the ultimate king on de road.
Remember, there r sum of underground petrol head could out run u even with no dyno sheet as a proof. Hmm... maybe?...afterall, sum dun hv a budget for a dyno tuning..ingat murah ke beb? Talk is cheap..try throw few hundreds ringgit for jz a 1 hour session.. sure korang berkira punye :P ..but still, do proceed it if u hv an extra budget J it wont hurt..maybe jz a blown motor on de roller kot?
So, need a Drax chip? Hit me at
p/s= btw, i dun pinjam the stuff for u guys, i dun provide de software wutsoever, any ridiculous questions will not be entertained at all, i had enuff Qs of it for years. try to be independent k. Google it.